They say when god closes a door he opens a window… I wonder, is that saying supposed to make us feel better? Isn’t a door better than a window? When you try to leave a place using a window, u might get hurt, u might break something, it’s a lot easier to use the door, maybe you’ll say that there is a reason why the door was closed, maybe the window is better? But its not, is it? Its smaller, it might be on the second floor, or maybe third, it would just be harder than walking out the door… so what’s so wise about the window? And why was the door closed? Maybe their was something dangerous behind the door, but aren’t we supposed to learn from our mistakes and failure in life? At least we deserve an explanation, or are we supposed to walk throw life saying that its all god wishes, and not think about it? We were created so smart and yet we cant use this mind of ours! When you say “why did this happen to me? ” people would tell you that its meant to be! And never think twice about it, but why? Why was it meant to be? I can’t not think about it, its hard, I need to know why was the door closed and where the hell is my window?
sat, 28/3/2009