Soul searching?..
For 2 years now I’ve been obsessed with the idea of “soul searching”, I daydream every day of taking my parent visa and getting on the first plane to anywhere, just to leave everything behind and go discover myself, it’s weird that’s it’s coming from a 17 year old kid! Wanting to leave everything behind? What am I actually leaving? A husband? Kids? What?, l think living in one place for too long is really toxic, even if your only 17.
Back to the point I want to make,
they call it “soul searching”, but I don’t think it’s really searching, I think it’s more like discovering, because searching is for something you had and you’ve lost, it’s something that you know, but what if you don’t really know what is it your searching for? What are you looking for? Your soul? What is that?, they don’t teach you at school how to discover yourself, or how to find what you want. Some people wonder around life doing something’s they don’t really like or want, it’s really not their fault, how can anyone be sure of what they’re doing if they never took the time to find themselves, and life has the same schedule for everyone: school, college , work, marriage, kid’s , grandkids, death.
that’s it, all you’ve got to do is cross the things you’ve done and move on to the other, nothing more is expected from you, that’s your life, NO you don’t really have to know yourself, and NO you’re not supposed to figure your place in the world, and everyone keeps telling me that life isn’t important, the afterlife is what matter’s, THEN WHY ON EARTH WERE WE EVER BORN? why can’t we skip those years of our life and just fast forward to judgment day, if life wasn’t important? And frankly speaking if life was this dull, then how can I make sure that the afterlife isn’t?