When we first came to life we were never asked what do we want to be.. I don’t mean what we want to be in the future.. I mean what do we want to be like.. for example the color of our skin, our gander, we were never asked, we were simply thrown into a family we didn’t choose , into a country we didn’t choose with a body we didn’t choose, yet were expected to be grateful for all the stuff we didn’t choose, Then comes hardship and pain and all the ugliness in life, and still we must be grateful.. on top of all that, were told that this body this soul, doesn’t belong to us, it's not ours to begin with.. we’re not allowed to harm this body nor kill this soul, if we cant make the simple choice of life or death, then why are we living in the first place? How can someone live a life that he completely didn’t choose, what if he didn’t want to live it? How come were supposed to be grateful for this life? Some people might say “just be grateful for having sight, others cant see”, well if I was the one responsible for taking away their sight or whatever their missing then I ‘ll be grateful, its not really your problem that people doesn’t have what you have, and its not you're problem if you're missing something that other have, it’s no one’s fault, because we simply didn’t choose.. we never choose.. to me its really frustrating that I cant deicide between living or dying.. its somehow weird, that I’m living and yet I cant call it my life..
sat. 10th/jan/2009
nice piece, however I think we have the choice to choose between life and death, but we have to be ready for consequences of our decisions!
also some interesting points you mentioned regard being grateful, you said we can't be grateful because we didn't choose how to be! but do you think when we choose how to be we should be grateful! if I chose my name, I can't say I am so grateful to myself that I chose my name to be whatever! but when someone does something to me then I'll be grateful!
many of your points are valid questions and I think the main thing for us human how we act in this life and how we see each other!
thanks a lot sleepless for this insightful thoughts!
thanx for ur comment, i cant let
u go like this i have to say sumthin :P
u said we "can" choose between life or death right? but we have to be ready for consequences of our decisions? right?
but why do we have to suffer from the outcome of our choice? why cant we just choose and thats the end of it? why? and since we will have to face some serious consequences we cant choose, because we're afraid of the result, so we will keep on living even if it was the last thing we want, we're simply affraid of what will happen to us, not because we're happy nor gateful, that makes me sad, really sad, because in the end we didnt choose to live, we are forsed to live..
and i thought its silly being grateful to myself :P i didnt think of it this way..
and thanx again for passing by..
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